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Sigyn (Sygourney) Nyend

Age: 32
Place of Birth: Florence 1444
Hair Colour: Mid Brown
Eye Colour: Grey
Favourite colour: Light Blue

Sigyn was born in renaissance Italy to an Atlantean researcher and his native wife. She only lived in Florence until the age of five when the family moved to Atlantis. The research vessel which picked them up was the first modern technology Sigyn had seen and she was fascinated with it.
As she grew, this fascination bloomed into an obsession and rather than study history, as her father wanted, she chose to study mechanics and engineering, and after graduation, she helped build Atlantis' biggest ship the Sleipnir which she then set up home in.

Sigyn continues to have strong ties to renaissance Italy, half her family live there including her cousin Leonardo, whom she visits often.

Sigyn's idea of a good time is having no repairs to do so she can spend her time overhauling the Sleipnir's twin flywheel engines to increase their efficiency and stored power capacity, but she rarely finds time to do this as the rigours of time travel across such a large vessel is rough and barely a time jump goes by when something doesn't break under the strain.

Her main love is the Sleipnir, but she has also developed a fondness for a certain man who frequents the ship as 60% of it's job is DTC business.